How to Create an Integrated Marketing Campaign (IMC) in 6 easy steps

Brands must exert every effort to stand out to consumers in the face of fierce market rivalry. A successfully integrated marketing effort may raise brand recognition, foster customer loyalty, and consequently, increase sales. Consider it like this: You come across a new firm on TikTok that is advertising their new line of shoes, but when you go to their website, there are no shoes to be found. perplexing, right?

IMCs, which can include television ads, print, public relations, radio, email marketing, and social media, among other things, help to clear up any misunderstandings for the customer and align a business’s marketing platforms to promote services and products via a strategically calculated campaign. Making sure a company’s or brand’s primary message is communicated over a variety of marketing channels is another aspect of integrated marketing.

Since IMCs may reach a larger audience, increase consumer trust, and save time and money by being shared and repurposed when necessary, they are often more effective than efforts that are executed on various marketing channels. The following six stages will help you create an effective and productive IMC (integrated marketing campaign):


In IMC, determining the campaign’s aim is the first and most important phase. Consider the end result when choosing which marketing channels to include in an integrated campaign so that you get the best out of your efforts in the end. Perhaps you are on your way to promoting your brands through advertising a brand-new website or business. Whatsoever the case is, having a goal, no matter what it is, will position you for success accordingly. There are several strategic campaigns for reaching various objectives in a predetermined time frame.

If you are confused with your goals or you have multiple goals and cannot prioritize, Deca Marketing is here to help you out and assist you through the steps to reach your goals.


After determining the goal and primary objective of your campaign then you are ready for the next step which is picking up the best marketing channel to promote and communicate with your target audiences. So, the second most important step in IMC is to choose the right marketing channel for the promotion of your products and services.

You must ask yourself whether the events or digital marketing channels are more successful than the traditional channels such as radio advertisements and billboards. Therefore, you need to test other channels as well and make adjustments as necessary.

How to select the right marketing channels for an IMC? You need the right channels to market your brands, check out what we have for you.

3. AUDIENCE Identification BY CHANNEL

To make the most of any campaign, it’s critical to understand whom your brand is speaking to on each channel and figure out how to modify assets or content. This step is another important step to getting closer to your goals with an IMC.

Assets and content modification can directly impact the graph of an IMC. By creating several personas for diverse consumer categories, you may target particular customers for higher and better results.


Now is the time to consider the copywriting and visual design of your campaign. If a behind-the-scenes film is the focus of your IMC, you can turn that material into a “trailer” video, still photos, blog entries, hashtags, and more.

How these adaptable assets are going to help you in your Integrated marketing campaign?

Well, these assets are highly important and have a great impact on your IMC. Get the best strategy to convert your audiences into customers.

5. LEADS Collection

This is the 5th step in the creation of an effective and product IMC. You have to be prepared to accept the leads, even if your only objective is raising brand recognition and you aren’t particularly interested in obtaining new consumer leads. Because it is going to affect your brand in the future.  Are you encouraging your visitors, and audiences to sign up for your newsletter or download an offer? Furthermore, there is another important question that must be addressed and that is Who will assist in generating revenue from these leads?

All these pre-planned calculations will definitely help you get the result and consequently achieve your goals.


The final stage in our list is to launch and evaluate your campaign to find out the shortfall and plus points for bringing a more effective IMC. As your campaign is going on, make sure you are ready and focused to check the data from your marketing channels to determine whether you’re accomplishing your objective or not. Since it will help you to apply what you’ve learned from keeping a keen eye on your campaigns to future integrated marketing campaigns by making necessary adjustments or repurposing them accordingly.

IMCs (integrated marketing campaigns) are crucial when it comes to building brand recognition and providing a seamless and consistent experience, regardless of how customers learn about your company (your brand)—whether they do so via social media, or any other platform that is your audiences’ favorite, such as listening to their favorite songs or watching their favorite series.


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