Marketing is a multi-functional task which requires diverse expertise to carry out a thorough and successful marketing campaign. Even if you make it to the main stream, the constant struggle to stay on the top is exhaustive. For a company to do its core functions along with taking on the hectic and uphill task of marketing is just a daunting task altogether. Therefore, the best option is to find a marketing company that can fulfill the crucial task of marketing on your behalf.

When it comes to selection of a marketing company you will have the choice to pick from a wide variety. But most of the companies you will find shall be operating on a surface level. It means that they will only have limited expertise. But you will rarely find a marketing company that will cover a wide variety of functions in marketing. In order to build real capacity and expertise the company should have an across the board approach with an all-encompassing strategy. This is what makes DECA Marketing different from the rest, which is exclusively a real estate marketing company. The following are the various marketing functions in which we have exceptional expertise.

  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Facebook Ads Management
  • Social Media Marketing Services
  • Google Ads Management
  • Content Marketing Services
  • Link Building Services
  • Email Marketing Services
  • Conversion Optimization Services
  • Website Development Services
  • Digital Marketing Training Services
  • Sales Strategies

Your online presence is no longer subjected to having a website and social media pages. But the new Google algorithms have a direct bearing on the way you put your content out. Optimization of your website and content will be a crucial challenge. We have expertise to help you with that efficiently. Digital marketing in the new media age has become all about social media. Facebook has billions of users across the world, and this is a great platform to capitalize. DECA Marketing will run facebook ad campaigns efficiently.

The social media is now more than facebook and has a number of platforms like Instagram, Youtube, and Linkedin. Using all these platforms is the most effective way to market your real estate projects. When your company has significantly large sales then you need to have an online presence. This will require multiple networks such as AdSense, AdExchange etc. DECA Marketing will take care of that aspect as well.


In a global society the competition to be on the top is a constant struggle. Therefore, prioritizing your digital marketing is an unavoidable task. DECA Marketing has got the resources at hand to utilize in the management of digital marketing campaign. In order to make sales the real process has to be supported by the marketing department. Without an efficient marketing team that is capable of lead generation and brand awareness, there can be no sales. Therefore, the marketing process is also a part of sales strategy. In a world of mass marketing there is absolutely no way to progress without a strong marketing campaign behind your product.


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